
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The Fletcher Street bridge crosses over the Great Western Highway between Glenbrook and Blaxland. This is one of the first R.T.A bridges that we were able to gain permission to hang one of many banners advertising the Community Quilt Show in Springwood. Looking at it now, you wouldn't think it is 5 metres long! (The banner that is).

Many cable ties later, committee member Vicki along with helpful nephew James let go of the banner while invaluable husband Graham, ties the final knots .

If you enlarge this photo, try and find the visitor. (A hint, look at the largest word on the banner).

Holding on tight - we'd hate to lose it now!

Many thanks to one of our new committee members, Tania, who has been responsible for the design and ordering process of our great banners. The R.T.A have very strict rules for banners before being approved. They have allotted us a two week block in certain locations. We will see how it all goes this year, and with any feed back you give us - we may be able to obtain different locations next year. So when driving around the Mountains over the next few weeks, if you see a banner advertising the Springwood Community Quilt Show, a big thank you goes to Tania.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! Banners!! I saw one at the Springwood Station!! Well done Tania and all the hangers.


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