
Monday, January 22, 2018

Exciting Times for Quilters in the Blue Mountains!

It's been a while since we have posted but we have had so much happening in the background and there is so much to tell you all!

Our Quilt Show goes Biennial-

Springwood Community Quilt Show has been an annual event for many years now and the committee has decided that in 2018 it would go from an annual to a biennial show. This will enable the quilt show team to stay motivated and keep up their good work in presenting a growing and well known show.  This also means that we have more time to work on our quilts for 2019. We haven't left our last weekend in April spare however- instead of our show we will be hosting an exciting new event in 2018. Read on to find out more!

A New Guild for the Blue Mountains-

Coming off the back of the quilt show in 2017 was the idea to create a guild that is for quilters in the Blue Mountains region. Many people have expressed an interest wanting to get involved with quilting groups in our region and in October 2017 a group from the Springwood Community Quilt Show Committee began the process of incorporating Blue Mountains Quilters. Springwood Community Quilt Show will now come under the umbrella of the new guild and will continue to be the main fundraising event for Blue Mountains Quilters Inc. Blue Mountains Quilters Inc will meet monthly at Lawson's Mid Mountains Community Centre on the first Saturday of the month. All are welcome to join and attend. We are happy to be able to be a part of our new guild which has been received very well so far, it's been great to be able to bring people together in the pursuit of what we all love- quilting.

An Exciting Event for 2018- A mini Retreat! 

On the last Saturday in April we will be hosting a mini retreat! All are welcome to attend. We have a number of different workshops planned and opportunities for retail therapy. All meals are included on the day and we encourage you to book in early to make sure you have a place. It promises to be a fun and inspirational day. We would love to have your company! Contact Robyne bluemountainsquilters@gmail.com

How you can get involved in Blue Mountains Quilters Inc-

Blue Mountains Quilters is now contactable on a number of social media platforms and we are working on our new website. We will continue to use this Blog for all things Springwood Quilt Show, including progress on the 2019 raffle quilt. Stay tuned for more quilt show news. In the meantime if you would like to know more about Blue Mountains Quilters Inc you can find us on Instagram- @bluemountainsquilters, on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/groups/112505442829005/ and via Email- bluemountainsquilters@gmail.com 

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and for your continued support. We really do have an amazing quilting community in the Blue Mountains and we look forward to seeing where these new developments take us in 2018! 

-Springwood Community Quilt Show Committee and Blue Mountains Quilters Inc.

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