
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Calling all Blue Mountains Quilters!

Calling all Blue Mountains quilters - It's time to decide which quilts you're going to enter for the 2016 Springwood Community Quilt Show because the entry forms are up and ready. Whether it be your latest creation or an old favourite every quilt is a welcome contribution for making the spectacular showcase of patchwork and quilting that the Springwood Quilt Show is known for.

You'll see the online Entry form,  Conditions of Entry and the Volunteer forms in the sidebar on the right hand side of the screen. The online entry form is clearly laid out and designed to be very easy to use however if you are unsure you can download a Postal form and send it to the address provided. If you have any questions email us at springwoodquiltshow@hotmail.com.

The deadline for entries is the 18th of March with a quilt drop off date of 21st April, so if you still need to add finishing touches to your quilts you can enter them now and still have plenty of time to get them completed.

So come on and enter your quilts and let's show everyone what a great region the Blue Mountains is for quilt making and make the 2016 show our very best ever!

Header Image
Springwood CommunityQuilt Show22-24 April 2016•••••••••••••••••••••••••••Entry Deadline • 18 March 2016

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