
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Raffle quilt progress - The background fabric!!

Over the last few posts we've been showing you the wonderful Lots of Dots compass blocks as they've been made. If you thought they've looked good then wait till you see them on the background fabric...

Words like "Wow","Amazing" and "Hooley Dooley!!" came to mind when I saw the blocks on the background. I'm sure you'll agree that the dark inky colour makes the compass circles snap, crackle and pop like fireworks at a festival.

The tone on tone blue circles and swirls in the fabric show up better in this photo. They echo the circles and dot theme perfectly and create a sense of movement.

3 cheers to the industrious committee members who helped hand sew all the compass blocks to the background. It's not a quick task but a rewarding one and great for having time to appreciate the creative thought and work that has gone into each block.

 Next it's off to Suzie Anderson to add her magic with her longarm quilting. This quilt just keeps getting better and better!!


  1. What a perfect background!!! And it looks like a BIG quilt! Looking forward to seeing it when it is quilted!

  2. It looks even better in the flesh!

  3. I'm so enjoying seeing this quilt growing.

  4. This quilt is going to be amazing! Cant wait to see it quilted. Congratulations ladies!


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